Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Semecarpus heterophylla BLUME NULL in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia

Life Saving Medicinal Plants from Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Plant Database-4939
                               पंकज अवधिया का मेडीसिनल प्लांट डेटाबेस: जीवनरक्षक जड़ी-बूटियाँ

कृषि वैज्ञानिक एवम जैव-विविधता विशेषज्ञ पंकज अवधिया भारतीय जड़ी-बूटियों से सम्बन्धित पारम्परिक चिकित्सकीय ज्ञान का दस्तावेजीकरण कर रहे हैं| "जीवनरक्षक जड़ी-बूटियाँ" नामक यह श्रृंखला उनके हाल ही में किये गये वानस्पतिक सर्वेक्षणों पर आधारित है| अधिक जानकारी के लिए उनकी वेबसाईट पर जाएँ|

Millions of pages on Indian Traditional Healing

Medicinal Plants of India with reference to Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Karnataka, Kerala, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Meghalaya, Sikkim, Manipur, Orissa, Rajasthan, Tamilnadu, Punjab, Haryana, West Bengal, Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh.

This picture is a part of Pankaj Oudhia's guest lectures on Conservation Agriculture, Traditional Agricultural Knowledge and Climate Change Mitigation. And That's how Climate Change is affecting Traditional Healing in Asia.

This picture is a part of Pankaj Oudhia's report on Indian Medicinal Plants used with Traditional Entomophagy and Entomotherapy.

This picture is a part of Pankaj Oudhia's report on Vedic Farming of major Indian crops.

This picture is part of Pankaj Oudhia’s online reports titled

-Common Medicinal Herbs and Traditional Herbal Formulations in Traditional Healing of Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra and Karnataka,

-Medicinal and Aromatic Crops and Conservation Agriculture,

-Sustainable Harvesting of Medicinal Herbs from wild: Lessons from Traditional Healers of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Orissa and Tamilnadu,

-Forest Herbs used with Ancient Entomotherapy in Asia,

-Potential medicinal plants with Antiarthritic activity, 

-Potential medicinal plants with Antidiabetic activity,

-Potenital medicinal plants with Antisickling activity,

-Potential Immunity boosters in Traditional Healing of Asia,

-Promising Hepatoprotective Herbs of Central and South India,

-Renoprotective Herbs used by Traditional Healers of India, Bangladesh and Bhutan,

-Antisnake venom medicinal herbs and Traditional Snake Experts,

-Cancerous Wound healing through Medicinal Flora and fauna of Peninsular India,

-Herbs for Longer Sex Duration and Extra-ordinary Sexual Performances recommended by Traditional Sex Gurus living in Asia,

-Herbs used by Indian Tribes: Interactions with Traditional Mushroom Experts,

-Impact of desi plants in management of yellow mosaic virus diseases of soybean.

-          Allelopathic effects of wild herbs on Stevia rebaudiana
-          Stevia farming in India
-          Let’s use Vedic Knowledge for Stevia cultivation
-          Wild herbs beneficial for Organic Horticulture in Chhattisgarh
-          Indigenous Botanicals for management of Ceratobasidium oryzae-sativae in Rice through Traditional Agricultural Knowledge,
-           Indigenous Botanicals for management of Pyricularia grisea in Rice through Traditional Agricultural Knowledge
-          Indigenous Botanicals for management of Cochliobolus miyabeanus in Rice through Traditional Agricultural Knowledge
-          Indigenous Botanicals for management of Sclerophthora macrospora in Rice through Traditional Agricultural Knowledge
-          Indigenous Botanicals for management of Drechslera gigantea in Rice through Traditional Agricultural Knowledge
-          Indigenous Botanicals for management of Rhizoctonia oryzae in Rice through Traditional Agricultural Knowledge
-          Indigenous Botanicals for management of Alternaria padwickii in Rice through Traditional Agricultural Knowledge
-          Indigenous Botanicals for management of Oxycetonia albopunctata in Citrus through Traditional Agricultural Knowledge
-          Indigenous Botanicals for management of Margaronia caesalis in Jackfruit through Traditional Agricultural Knowledge
-          Indigenous Botanicals for management of Phytomyza horticola in Cabbage and Cauliflower through Traditional Agricultural Knowledge

- Forest Plants with promising antimicrobial activities

- Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Asian Herb Growers

- Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with African Traditional Healers

- Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Naga Sadhus on Divine Herbs of India and Nepal

- Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Sadhus on Telia Kand like divine herbs

- Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Healers of Nepal on Medicinal Orchids based Formulations

- Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Herb Traders on decreasing availability of Healing Orchids and medicinal mushroom

- Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Traditional Healers of Himalaya on Keeda Jadi based Formulations and its improvement

- 10,000 Ethnobotanical uses of Asian Medicinal Orchids

- 100 simple ways for Prevention of Diabetes

- 30 most promising ways to manage Diabetes type 2 with the help of Ancient Knowledge

- Say Goodbye to Urticaria with the help of wild tubers

- Pankaj Oudhia’s experiences on Dental Regeneration

- Herbal alternatives of endangered snake species used in Traditional Healing as promising medicines

-          5000 Promising Herbs used globally to manage Nilaparvata lugens (Stal.) in Rice crop,
-           Pest Management in Rice through Indigenous approach using forest herbs
-           Management of pest in lowland rainfed Rice through Traditional Agricultural Knowledge
-          Go to forest if you want to grow toxin free rice without pest
-          Novel approach to develop insect resistant Rice through Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge
-          1000 potential medicinal herbs beneficial for rice growth in rainfed conditions
-          Impact of Rice Allelopathy on medicinal properties of weeds used as life saving medicines
- Medicinal Rice and its role in treatment of lifestyle diseases
-          500 promising herbs to enhance the performance of Karanj and Neem for management of Rice pest
-  Traditional Agriculture Knowledge for Management of Asiatic Rice Borer.
-  Pest Management in rainfed wetland Rice through Traditional Agriculture Knowledge
-  1000 potential herbs from Chhattisgarh for Medicinal Rice cultivation
-  100 potential herbs from Jharkhand for Sudarshan Jadi cultivation
-  100 potential herbs from Orissa for Gulbakawali Cultivation
-  100 potential herbs from Maharashtra for Medicinal Rose Cultivation
-  100 potential herbs from West Bengal for Sarpgandha cultivation
-  100 potential herbs from Andhra Pradesh for Paner Phool cultivation
-  100 potential herbs from Bihar for Giloy cultivation
-  Role of medicinal species in human-wildlife conflict
-  250 Promising Herbal Combinations to keep wild elephants at bay without any harm
-  Indigenous Herbs for Monkey nuisance in crop fields
- Pankaj Oudhia's research documents on Medicinal Mushroom based Traditional Formulations of India, Nepal and Sri Lanka.

- Healing Herbs used by Traditional Birth Attendants in Asia.
-      Medicinal Plants of Sarguja with Immunopotentiating properties,
-      Medicinal plants of Chhota Nagpur with hypolipidemic activity
-      Medicinal Plants of Bastar with immunostimulatory properties,
-      Medicinal Plants of Kaas Plateau with Antistress activity
-      Medicinal Plants of Niyamgiri Hills with Immunestimulating properties
-      Medicinal plants of Manpur with Radioprotective potential
-      Medicinal plants of Vidarbha with Antiinflammatory properties
-      Medicinal plants of Bhitarkanika with Antihepatotoxic properties
- Medicinal plants of Orissa with Antifertility potential

-      Compilation of Pankaj Oudhia’s Research works at Indira Gandhi Agricultural University, Raipur, India (1990-2001)

This picture is part of Pankaj Oudhia’s E-book series (The list is given below)

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Acanthaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Aceraceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Agavaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Aizoaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Alismataceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Alliaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Altingiaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Amaranthaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Amaryllidaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Anacardiaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Annonaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Apiaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Apocynaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Araceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Araliaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Arecaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Aristolochiaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Asparagaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Asphodelaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Asteraceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Balsaminaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Berberidaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Betulaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Bignoniaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Boraginaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Brassicaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Bromeliaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Cactaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Campnaulaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Cannabaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Cannaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Caryophyllaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Caprifoliaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Celastraceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Convallariaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Convolvulaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Cornaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Costaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Crassulaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Cucurbitaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Cyperaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Droseraceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Ebenaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Ericaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Epacridaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Fabaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Fagaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Fumariaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Gentianaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Geraniaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Gesneriaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Goodeniaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Grossulariaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Haemodoraceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Hamamelidaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Heliconiaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Hippocastanaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Hydrangeaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Hydrophyllaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Illiciaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Iridaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Juglandaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Juncaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Lamiaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Lauraceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Lentibulariaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Liliaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Loasaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Loranthaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Lythraceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Magnoliaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Malvaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Malpighiaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Marantaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Melanthiaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Moraceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Musaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Nyctaginaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Nymphaeaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Oleaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Onagraceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Orchidaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Orobanchaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Oxalidacea and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Papaveraceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Parnassiaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Philydraceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Phytolaccaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Piperaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Pittosporaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Platanaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Poaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Polemoniaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Polygonaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Pontederiaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Portulacaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Primulaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Proteaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Pyrolaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Ranunculaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Rhamnaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Rosaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Rubiaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Rutaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Salicaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Sapindaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Sarraceniaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Saxifragaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Schisandraceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Scrophulariaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Solanaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Strelitziaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Styracaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Themidaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Tofieldiaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Trilliaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Typhaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Ulmaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Urticaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Verbenaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Violaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Viscaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Vitaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Winteraceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Zingiberaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Zosteraceae and related Herbal Formulations for Cancerous Wound,

Related Research Publications

Oudhia, P. (2009). Traditional Agricultural Knowledge practiced by Traditional Healers
in Indian state Chhattisgarh for management of Nephotettix sp. in Medicinal Rice 27.
1251. Zornia gibbosa based formulation (With 3 Herbs [Formulation 4]) . CGBD (Offline
Database on Chhattisgarh Biodiversity), Raipur, India. 
Oudhia, P. (2009). Traditional Agricultural Knowledge practiced by Traditional Healers
in Indian state Chhattisgarh for management of Nephotettix sp. in Medicinal Rice 27.
1252. Zornia gibbosa based formulation (With 4 Herbs) . CGBD (Offline Database on
Chhattisgarh Biodiversity), Raipur, India. 
Oudhia, P. (2009). Traditional Agricultural Knowledge practiced by Traditional Healers
in Indian state Chhattisgarh for management of Nephotettix sp. in Medicinal Rice 27.
1253. Zornia gibbosa based formulation (With 4 Herbs [Formulation 1]) . CGBD (Offline
Database on Chhattisgarh Biodiversity), Raipur, India. 
Oudhia, P. (2009). Traditional Agricultural Knowledge practiced by Traditional Healers
in Indian state Chhattisgarh for management of Nephotettix sp. in Medicinal Rice 27.
1254. Zornia gibbosa based formulation (With 4 Herbs [Formulation 2]) . CGBD (Offline
Database on Chhattisgarh Biodiversity), Raipur, India. 
Oudhia, P. (2009). Traditional Agricultural Knowledge practiced by Traditional Healers
in Indian state Chhattisgarh for management of Nephotettix sp. in Medicinal Rice 27.
1255. Zornia gibbosa based formulation (With 4 Herbs [Formulation 3]) . CGBD (Offline
Database on Chhattisgarh Biodiversity), Raipur, India. 
Oudhia, P. (2009). Traditional Agricultural Knowledge practiced by Traditional Healers
in Indian state Chhattisgarh for management of Nephotettix sp. in Medicinal Rice 27.
1256. Zornia gibbosa based formulation (With 4 Herbs [Formulation 4]) . CGBD (Offline Database on Chhattisgarh Biodiversity), Raipur, India. 
Oudhia, P. (2009). Traditional Agricultural Knowledge practiced by Traditional Healers
in Indian state Chhattisgarh for management of Nephotettix sp. in Medicinal Rice 27.
1257. Zornia gibbosa based formulation (With 5 Herbs) . CGBD (Offline Database on
Chhattisgarh Biodiversity), Raipur, India. 
Oudhia, P. (2009). Traditional Agricultural Knowledge practiced by Traditional Healers
in Indian state Chhattisgarh for management of Nephotettix sp. in Medicinal Rice 27.
1258. Zornia gibbosa based formulation (With 5 Herbs [Formulation 1]) . CGBD (Offline
Database on Chhattisgarh Biodiversity), Raipur, India. 
Oudhia, P. (2009). Traditional Agricultural Knowledge practiced by Traditional Healers
in Indian state Chhattisgarh for management of Nephotettix sp. in Medicinal Rice 27.
1259. Zornia gibbosa based formulation (With 5 Herbs [Formulation 2]) . CGBD (Offline
Database on Chhattisgarh Biodiversity), Raipur, India. 
Oudhia, P. (2009). Traditional Agricultural Knowledge practiced by Traditional Healers
in Indian state Chhattisgarh for management of Nephotettix sp. in Medicinal Rice 27.
1260. Zornia gibbosa based formulation (With 5 Herbs [Formulation 3]) . CGBD (Offline
Database on Chhattisgarh Biodiversity), Raipur, India. 
Oudhia, P. (2009). Traditional Agricultural Knowledge practiced by Traditional Healers
in Indian state Chhattisgarh for management of Nephotettix sp. in Medicinal Rice 27.
1261. Zornia gibbosa based formulation (With 5 Herbs [Formulation 4]) . CGBD (Offline
Database on Chhattisgarh Biodiversity), Raipur, India. 
Oudhia, P. (2009). Traditional Agricultural Knowledge practiced by Traditional Healers
in Indian state Chhattisgarh for management of Nephotettix sp. in Medicinal Rice 27.
1262. Zornia gibbosa based formulation (With 6 Herbs) . CGBD (Offline Database on
Chhattisgarh Biodiversity), Raipur, India. 
Oudhia, P. (2009). Traditional Agricultural Knowledge practiced by Traditional Healers
in Indian state Chhattisgarh for management of Nephotettix sp. in Medicinal Rice 27.
1263. Zornia gibbosa based formulation (With 6 Herbs [Formulation 1]) . CGBD (Offline
Database on Chhattisgarh Biodiversity), Raipur, India. 
Oudhia, P. (2009). Traditional Agricultural Knowledge practiced by Traditional Healers
in Indian state Chhattisgarh for management of Nephotettix sp. in Medicinal Rice 27.
1264. Zornia gibbosa based formulation (With 6 Herbs [Formulation 2]) . CGBD (Offline
Database on Chhattisgarh Biodiversity), Raipur, India. 

Excerpts from Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Plant Database related to the picture

Although all stages of Termite are used as medicine traditionally but the use of Termite queen is very popular among the traditional healers. The queen is used as aphrodisiac. It is given to the newly wed couples as gift. In Chhattisgarh the natives as well as healers prepare different dishes using Termite queen. These dishes are given to the patients recovering from exhaustive diseases and the women after childbirth. The nature of queen is considered hot. The traditional healers of Chhattisgarh Plains informed that the judicious use of queen develops natural resistance in body and helpful in treatment of modern diseases like AIDS.

The soil of Termite mound is having multiple traditional uses. The herbs growing on and around the mound are considered rich in medicinal properties. The healers informed that around this mound specific herbs grow and these herbs don’t found elsewhere. They give the example of Bambi Bhaji. This specific herb is used traditionally as medicine. It is also a popular potherb. Its long time use results in removal of toxins present inside the body. The patients having snakebite are suggested by the healers to take this herb upto long time.

The soil of mound is considered good for many agricultural crops. The farmers engaged in cultivation of medicinal crops mix this soil with farmyard manure. The presence of this soil near to the base of Rose plants protects it from insects. The traditional healers engaged in preparation of Gulkand use this soil specially. The healers of Southern Chhattisgarh consider the soil of Termite mound beneficial for the medicinal trees like Harra, Bahera ,Sirsa etc..

Termite mound is home for snakes. These snakes feed on rats. This is the reason the farmers avoid the destruction of mound. The Almond growers take the service of Termite to peeling the soft fruit cover. The flights of winged adults are considered as a sign of bad period for health. The natives are advised to take special precaution during this period.

These traditional uses of Termite are very popular. This popularity clearly indicates its efficacy. Every year much agrochemicals are dumped on earth to manage these creatures. These traditional uses open a door to new field on which our researchers can focus their studies.
"Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Scutia indica BRONG.. in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Scutia myrtina (N.BURM.) KURZ in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea GAERTN.F. in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Sebastiana chamaelea MUELL.ARG. in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Secamone emetica R.BR. in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Sechium edule SW. in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Securinega leucopyrus (WILLD.) MUELL.ARG. in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Securinega suffruticosa (PALL.) REHDER in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Securinega virosa BAILL. in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Sedum asiaticum DC. in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Sedum crassipes WALL. EX HOOK. F. & TH. in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Sedum ewersii LEDEB. in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Sedum multicaule WALL" "in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Sedum quadrifidum PALL. NULL in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Sedum tibeticum HOOK.F. & T. NULL in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Sedum tillacoides DUTHIE in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Sedum trifidum WALL. in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Sedum wallichianum HOOK. NULL in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Selaginella bryopteris (L.) BAK. in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Selaginella chrysocaulos (HOOK. & GREV.)SPRING.F. NULL in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Selaginella ciliaris (RETZ.) SPRENG. in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Selaginella involvens SPRENG. NULL in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Selaginella krausiana A.BR.F. NULL in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Selaginella monosperma SPRING.F. NULL in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Selaginella plumosa L. NULL in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Selaginella radicata (HOOK. & GREV.) SPRING.F. NULL in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Selaginella repanda (DESV. EX POIR.) SPRENG NULL in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Selaginella rupestris  in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Selaginella willdenowii (POIR.) BAK. in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Selenicereus grandiflorus (LINN.) BRITT. & ROSE in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Selinum candollei DC. in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Selinum filicifolium EDGEW. in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Selinum striatum BENTH. in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Selinum tenuifolium WALL. EX DC. in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Selinum vaginatum C.B. CLARKE NULL in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Semecarpus anacardium L. F. in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Semecarpus heterophylla BLUME NULL in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Semecarpus kurzii ENGLER in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Semecarpus travancorica BEDD. in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Sempervium sedoides JACQ. NULL in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Senebiera didyma PERS. NULL in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Senecio aureus WALL. in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Senecio bhutanicus BALAK. NULL in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Senecio cappa DON in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Senecio graciliflorus . DC. NULL in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Senecio hohenackeri HK.F. in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Senecio jacquemontianus BENTH in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Senecio kraschenninikovii SCHICH. in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Senecio laetus EDGEW. in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Senecio nudicaulis HAM. EX D. DON NULL in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Senecio quinquelobus HOOK. F. in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Senecio scandens DON. in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Senecio tenuifolius BURM in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Senecio vulgaris L in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Senna prostrata ROXB. in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Serenoa repens (BARTR.) SMALL in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Sesamum indicum L. in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Sesamum laciniatum KLEIN EX. WILLD. in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Sesamum orientale L. in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Sesamum prostratum RETZ. in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Sesbania aculeata PERS. in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Sesbania aculeata PERS. cannabina (RETZ.) BAKER in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Sesbania aegyptiaca POIR. in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia" "Traditional Migraine Expert’s medicinal herbs useful with Daldali Punarnava+Bhains Dhenti and Sesbania bispinosa (JACQ.) W.F. WIGHT bispinosa in treatment of Migraine with Insomnia"


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