Medicinal Plants used to enrich Crescentia cujeta L. based Formulations through Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge
पंकज अवधिया का मेडीसिनल प्लांट डेटाबेस: जीवनरक्षक जड़ी-बूटियाँ-658
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वैज्ञानिक एवम जैव-विविधता विशेषज्ञ पंकज अवधिया भारतीय जड़ी-बूटियों से सम्बन्धित
पारम्परिक चिकित्सकीय ज्ञान का दस्तावेजीकरण कर रहे हैं| "जीवनरक्षक जड़ी-बूटियाँ"
नामक यह श्रृंखला
उनके हाल ही में किये गये वानस्पतिक सर्वेक्षणों पर आधारित है| अधिक जानकारी के लिए
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Medicinal Plants of India with reference to Chhattisgarh,
Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Orissa.
This picture is a part of Pankaj Oudhia's guest lectures on
Conservation Agriculture, Traditional Agricultural Knowledge and Climate Change
Mitigation. And That's how Climate Change is affecting Traditional Healing in
This picture is a part of Pankaj Oudhia's report on Indian
Medicinal Plants used with Traditional Entomophagy and Entomotherpy.
"Medicinal Plants used to enrich Christisonia tubulosa
(Wight) Benth. ex Hook.f. based Formulations through Traditional Allelopathic
Knowledge" "Medicinal Plants used to enrich Orobanche cernua Loefl.
var. nepalensis Reut. based Formulations through Traditional Allelopathic
Knowledge" "Medicinal Plants used to enrich Utricularia aurea Lour.
based Formulations through Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge"
"Medicinal Plants used to enrich Utricularia australis R. Br. based
Formulations through Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge" "Medicinal
Plants used to enrich Utricularia bifida L. based Formulations through
Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge" "Medicinal Plants used to enrich
Utricularia caerulea L. based Formulations through Traditional Allelopathic
Knowledge" "Medicinal Plants used to enrich Utricularia exoleta R.Br.
based Formulations through Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge"
"Medicinal Plants used to enrich Utricularia graminifolia Vahl based
Formulations through Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge" "Medicinal
Plants used to enrich Utricularia hirta Klein ex Link based Formulations
through Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge" "Medicinal Plants used to
enrich Utricularia minutissima Vahl based Formulations through Traditional
Allelopathic Knowledge" "Medicinal Plants used to enrich Utricularia
nayarii Jana. & Henry based Formulations through Traditional Allelopathic
Knowledge" "Medicinal Plants used to enrich Utricularia polygaloides
Edgew. based Formulations through Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge"
"Medicinal Plants used to enrich Utricularia reticulata J.E.Smith based
Formulations through Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge" "Medicinal
Plants used to enrich Utricularia roseo-purpurea Stapf ex Gamble based
Formulations through Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge" "Medicinal
Plants used to enrich Utricularia scandens Benj. based Formulations through
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Utricularia smithiana Wight based Formulations through Traditional Allelopathic
Knowledge" "Medicinal Plants used to enrich Utricularia stellaris
L.f. based Formulations through Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge" "Medicinal
Plants used to enrich Utricularia striatula J.E. Smith based Formulations
through Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge" "Medicinal Plants used to
enrich Utricularia uliginosa Vahl based Formulations through Traditional
Allelopathic Knowledge" "Medicinal Plants used to enrich Utricularia
wightiana Taylor based Formulations through Traditional Allelopathic
Knowledge" "Medicinal Plants used to enrich Aeschynanthus ceylanica
Gard. var. pinguis Clarke based Formulations through Traditional Allelopathic
Knowledge" "Medicinal Plants used to enrich Aeschynanthus perrottetii
A.DC. based Formulations through Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge"
"Medicinal Plants used to enrich Didymocarpus fischeri Gamble based
Formulations through Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge" "Medicinal Plants
used to enrich Didymocarpus gambleanus Fischer based Formulations through
Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge" "Medicinal Plants used to enrich
Didymocarpus humboldtianus Gard. based Formulations through Traditional
Allelopathic Knowledge" "Medicinal Plants used to enrich Didymocarpus
innominatus Burtt based Formulations through Traditional Allelopathic
Knowledge" "Medicinal Plants used to enrich Didymocarpus lyrata Wight
var. lyrata based Formulations through Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge"
"Medicinal Plants used to enrich Didymocarpus lyrata Wight var. prostrata
Clarke based Formulations through Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge"
"Medicinal Plants used to enrich Didymocarpus meeboldii W.W. Smith based
Formulations through Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge" "Medicinal
Plants used to enrich Didymocarpus missionis Wall. ex R.Br. based Formulations
through Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge" "Medicinal Plants used to
enrich Didymocarpus ovalifolia Wight based Formulations through Traditional
Allelopathic Knowledge" "Medicinal Plants used to enrich Didymocarpus
repens Bedd. based Formulations through Traditional Allelopathic
Knowledge" "Medicinal Plants used to enrich Didymocarpus tomentosus
Wight based Formulations through
Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge" "Medicinal Plants used to enrich
Didymocarpus wightii (Clarke) Gamble based Formulations through Traditional
Allelopathic Knowledge" "Medicinal Plants used to enrich Epithema
carnosum (G.Don) Benth. var. hispida Clarke based Formulations through
Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge" "Medicinal Plants used to enrich
Gesneria cardinalis Lehm. based Formulations through Traditional Allelopathic
Knowledge" "Medicinal Plants used to enrich Jerdonia indica Wight
based Formulations through Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge"
"Medicinal Plants used to enrich Rhynchoglossum notonianum (Wall) Burtt
based Formulations through Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge"
"Medicinal Plants used to enrich Rhynchoglossum obliquum Blume var.
parviflora Clarke based Formulations through Traditional Allelopathic
Knowledge" "Medicinal Plants used to enrich Rhynchotechum permolle
(Nees) Burtt based Formulations through Traditional Allelopathic
Knowledge" "Medicinal Plants used to enrich Arrabidaea magnifica
Sprague ex SteenisBull based Formulations through Traditional Allelopathic
Knowledge" "Medicinal Plants used to enrich Bignonia megapotamica
Spreng. based Formulations through Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge"
"Medicinal Plants used to enrich Campsis radicans (L.) Seem. based
Formulations through Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge" "Medicinal
Plants used to enrich Catalpa bignonioides Walter based Formulations through
Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge" "Medicinal Plants used to enrich
Clytostoma callistegioides (Cham.) Baill. based Formulations through
Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge" "Medicinal Plants used to enrich
Clytostoma purpureum (Lodd. ex Sweet) Rehder based Formulations through
Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge" "Medicinal Plants used to enrich
Parmentiera alata Miers based Formulations through Traditional Allelopathic
Knowledge" "Medicinal Plants used to enrich Crescentia cujeta L.
based Formulations through Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge"