World Literature on Medicinal Plants from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database -208

World Literature on Medicinal Plants from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database -208

World Literature on Medicinal Plants Quoted/Consulted/Modified/Improved/Discussed/Used/Corrected in Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.

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Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ वत्साक्षी and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ वदाम and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ वधू and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ वन कदली and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ वन कंद and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ वनकर्णिका and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ वनकार्पासी and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ वन कोलि and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ वन चन्दन and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ वन चन्द्रिका and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ वन चम्पक and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ वनज and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ वनजा and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ वनजीर and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ वन तिक्त and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ वन तिक्तिका and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ वन तिक्ता and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ वन दमन and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ वन दीप and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ वन निम्ब and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ वन पल्लव and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ वन पिप्पली and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ वन पुष्पा and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ वन पूरक and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ वन प्रिय and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ राजार्ह and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ राजार्हा and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ राजा लाबु and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ राजा लुक and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ राजिका and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ राजिका फल and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ राजि फल and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ राजी and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ राजी पटोल and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ राजीव and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ राजोद्वजन and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ राज्ञी and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ राज्यक्ता and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ रात्रि and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ रात्रि नामिका and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ रात्रि पुष्प and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ रात्रि हास and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ राधा and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ राम and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ राम कर्पूर and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ राम कर्पूरक and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ राम जननी and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ रामठ and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ रामठी and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ रामण and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ राम तरुणी and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ राम दूती and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ राम पूग and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ राम लवण and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ राम वल्लभ and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ राम शर and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ राम शीतला and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ राम सनेक and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ रामा and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ रामाटरुष and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ रामालिंग्नकाम and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ राल and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ राशि and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ राष्ट्रीका and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ रास भवन्दिनी and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ रास्रा and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ राहुच्छत्र and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ राहूच्छिद and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ राहूत्सृष्ट and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ राक्षसी and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ राक्षा and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   

Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ राक्ष्या and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ रिन्गिनी and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ रिपु and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ रिपु घातिनी and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ रिमेद and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ रिरी and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ रिष्ट and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ रिष्टक and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ रीठा and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ रीति and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ रीतक and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ रीतिका and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ रिति पुष्प and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ रूम and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ रुग्म and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ रुचक and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ रूचि and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ रुचिर and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ रुचिरा and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ रुचिरान्जन and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ रुच्य and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ रुच्य कंद and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ रुजा and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ रुजासह and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ रुदंतिका and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ रुदंती and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Important Ingredients of Ancient Medicine पुत्र जीवक+ रूद्र and Medicinal Rice T9 based Herbal Formulations for Gynecological Diseases from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.,   

Taylor RW, Griffin JL, Meche GA
Evaluation of various cultural methods for no-till legume establishment in grass sods.     0
Griffin JL, Watson VH, Knight WE, Cole AW
Forage legume response to dicamba and 2,4-D applications.        1984
Syamsudin E, Hutauruk C
Pre-emergence herbicide trial in attempt to establish legume cover-crops in oil palm plantations.             1982
Lumbantobing T, Endang Syamsuddin, Tobing TL
The use of pre-emergence herbicides for legume cover crop establishment in oil palm plantations.          1984
Bagley CP, Valencia IM, Sanders DE
Alyceclover - a summer legume for grazing.         1985
Venn NR
Control of annual grasses in pasture and legume crops with fluazifop-butyl.         1984
Chan F, Hutauruk C
Establishment of legume ground covers in oil-palm plantations. 1982
Vaughan RH, Linscott DL
Herbicide performance in no-till legume establishment in grain stubble.                1983
Hartwig NL
Safety interval between dicamba and/or 2,4-D application and legume seeding.                1983
Rosenberg U, Ynon J
Legurame - a selective weed-killer for legume crops: the control of grasses in vetch.       1983
Abraham CT, Singh SP
Weed management studies in sorghum/legume intercropping systems.               0
Abraham CT, Singh SP
Weed management in sorghum-legume intercropping systems.               1984
Hartwig NL
Crownvetch - a perennial legume 'living mulch' for no-tillage crop production.    1983
Bharal S, Rashid A
Growth of free-cell suspension and plantlet regeneration in the legume Indigofera enneaphylla Linn.    1984
Ebelhar SA, Frye WW, Blevins RL
Nitrogen from legume cover crops for no-tillage corn.    1984
Janicki LJ
Legume intercrops and weed control in sun-grown coffee plantings in the Bolivian Yungas.          1983
Koura A, El Halfawy M, Shehata T, Darkal W, Halfawy M El
Preference of the cowpea weevil, Callosobruchus maculatus F., to some legume seeds and weight loss due to the insect infestation.         1971
Craig CH
Insect pests of legume and grass crops in western Canada [injuriousness, biology and control].  1971
Rand JR, Braithwaite BM
Control of the weevil (Amnemus quadrituberculatus) in tropical legume pastures with dieldrin and heptachlor pre-sowing soil treatments.                1975
Askwith JE, Toomsan B
Increasing livestock feed availability through the introduction of a legume to village grazing areas.            1973
Rehr SS, Janzen DH, Feeny PP
L-Dopa in legume seeds: a chemical barrier to insect attack.         1973
Woodroffe GE
Observations on the susceptibility of compressed dried grass and legume to infestation by some storage insects.             1973
Rehr SS, Bell EA, Janzen DH, Feeny PP
Insecticidal amino acids in legume seeds.              1973
Taylor WE, Rhodes ER, Haque I
Grain legume research in Sierra Leone: a review. 1. Cowpeas.    1977
Brockman F
Tanzania National Grain Legume Research Program.        1977
Gladstones J.S., McKeown N.R.
Serradella - a pasture legume for sandy soils.      1977
El Kifl AH, Wahab AEA, Assem MA, Metwally AA, Kifl AH El
The insecticidal effect of certain chemicals in controlling the legume aphid, Aphis craccivora (Koch) on broad beans (Hemiptera: Aphididae).               1974
Kretschmer AE Jr, Brolmann JB, Snyder GH, Coleman SW
'Florida' carpon desmodium, a perennial tropical legume for use in south Florida.              1976
Lodge GM, Greenup LR
Observations on aphid infestations and damage in some pasture legume species.            1980
Knights EJ, Armstrong EL, Corbin EJ
Chickpea - a versatile new grain legume.               1980
Clements RO, Henderson IF
The effect of a pesticide treatment on the herbage yield of 26 forage legume species & varieties.            1980
Wilson GPM
Bargoo jointvetch: tough legume for tough country.       1980
Strang J
Voluntary register of grain legume cultivars in Australia. 1. Chickpea cv. Opal.      1980
Robles RP, Fabro LE, Telosa ZN
Legume pest management and monitoring. 1. Weeds.   1980
Scriber JM
Post-ingestive utilization of plant biomass and nitrogen by Lepidoptera: legume feeding by the southern armyworm.     1979
Moore LR
Seed predation in the legume Crotalaria. I. Intensity and variability of seed predation in native and introduced populations of C. pallida Ait. II. Correlations of interplant variability in predation intensity.      1978
Moradeshaghi MJ
Production agronomy in food legumes. Pests of legume crops.  1977
Kalmbacher RS, Minnick DR, Martin FG
Destruction of sod-seeded legume seedlings by the snail (Polygyra cereolus).    1979
Davies JC, Lateef SS, Singh SR, Emden HF van, Taylor TA
Recent trends in grain legume pest research in India.      1978
Perrin RM, Ezueh MI, Singh SR, Emden HF van, Taylor TA
The biology and control of grain legume olethreutids (Tortricidae).           1978
Litsinger JA, Quirino CB, Lumaban MD, Bandong JP, Singh SR, Emden HF van, Taylor TA
The grain legume pest complex of rice-based cropping systems at three locations in the Philippines.       1978
Taylor TA, Singh SR, Emden HF van, Taylor TA
National/international networks and cooperation in grain legume pest research and development.         1978
Young WR, Singh SR, Emden HF van, Taylor TA
Concepts and opportunities in international cooperative research on the control of grain legume pests.                1978
Panizzi AR, Slansky F Jr
Legume host impact on performance of adult Piezodorus guildinii (Westwood) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae).       1985
Byers RA, Templeton WC Jr, Mangan RL, Bierlein DL,Campbell WF, Donley HJ
Establishment of legumes in grass swards: effects of pesticides on slugs, insects, legume seedling numbers and forage yield and quality.        1985
Davis R, Boczek J, Pankiewicz Nowicka D, Kruk M, Nowicka D Pankiewicz
Efficacy of tricalcium phosphate as a legume grain protectant.    1984
Gaynor DL, Lane GA, Biggs DR, Bosch J van den, Sutherland ORW, Russell GB, Den Bosch J van, Van den Bosch J,Chapman RB
Defensive chemicals in legume resistance to grass grub.                1985
Ke LD, Fang JL, Li ZJ
Bionomics and control of the legume pod-borer Maruca testulalis Geyer.             1985
Youngberg HW, Buker RJ, Heath ME, Barnes RF, Metcalfe DS,Heath ME, Barnes RF, Metcalfe DS
Grass and legume seed production.        1985
Getzin LW
Damage to inflorescence of cabbage seed plants by the pale legume bug (Heteroptera: Miridae).            1983
Lee KE, Wightman JA, Macfarlane RP, Lee KE
The integrated control of pests of legume seed crops: 2. Summation and strategy of the 1980-81 season.             1982
Wightman JA, Whitford DNJ
Integrated control of pests and legume seed crops 1. insecticides for mirid and aphid control.     1982
Kaiser CJ, Heath ME, Janick J, Simon JE
Big trefoil: a new legume for pastures on fragipan soils. 1990
Okeyo Owuor JB, Oloo GW, Agwaro PO
Natural enemies of the legume pod borer, Maruca testulalis Geyer (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in small scale farming systems of western Kenya.           1991
Oghiakhe S, Jackai LEN, Makanjuola WA
Anatomical parameters of cowpea, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. stem and pod wall resistance to the legume pod borer Maruca testulalis Geyer (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae).             1991
Sharma HC, Norris DM
Comparative feeding preference and food intake and utilization by the cabbage looper (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on three legume species.               1991
Soroka JJ
Insect pests of legume and grass crops in western Canada.          1991
Decelle J, Lodos N
Contribution to the study of legume weevils of Turkey (Coleoptera: Bruchidae).               1989
Barratt BIP, Byers RA
Legume seedling feeding preferences of adult Sitona hispidulus (F.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).             1992
Muddiman SB, Hodkinson ID, Hollis D
Legume-feeding psyllids of the genus Heteropsylla (Homoptera: Psylloidea).      1992
Baker JE, Woo SM
beta-Glucosidases in the rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae: purification, properties, and activity levels in wheat- and legume-feeding strains. 1992
Chhabra KS, Kooner BS
Aphids problem in grain legume crops of north plain zone of India and their management.           1989
Janzen DH, Stirton CH, Zarucchi JL
Natural history of a wind-pollinated Central American dry forest legume tree (Ateleia herbert-smithii Pittier).    1989
Peterson SS, Wedberg JL, Hogg DB
Survival, development and population dynamics of Empoasca fabae (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) on three legume hosts. 1992
Cintra R
Leaf litter effects on seed and seedling predation of the palm Astrocaryum murumuru and the legume tree Dipteryx micrantha in Amazonian forest. 1997
Cheremkha B
Urgent questions of ecologically pure intensive technology of perennial fodder legume seed growing.   1996
Salsano G
Balansa clover, a new forage legume for the central and southern regions of Italy and the islands.            1996
Anasiewicz A, Janiuk M, Filipowicz A
Estimation of the degree of damage caused to chickling vetch (Lathyrus sativus L.) by the pea moth as compared with other legume crops.   1995
Thackray DJ, Ridsdill Smith TJ, Gillespie DJ
Susceptibility of grain legume species to redlegged earth mite (Halotydeus destructor Tucker) damage at the seedling stage.    1997
Lin JieRong, Su ShuiJin, Liu JianChang, Yie ChangXing, Lin JR, Su SJ, Liu JC, Yie CX
Study on an excellent south subtropical legume forage Lablab purpureus.            1996
Ozawa A, Katayama H, Saito T, Ikeda H
Eradication of both legume leafminers, Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess) and western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), with high temperature by closing the greenhouse after harvest.      1996
Ota M, Saito T, Ozawa A
Integrated control of the legume leafminer, Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess) on chrysanthemum in greenhouses.        1996
Oghiakhe S
Effect of cowpea cultivar, plant part and growth phenology on oviposition behaviour of the legume pod borer, Maruca testulalis Geyer (Lep., Pyralidae).             1996
Jackai LEN
Efficacy of insecticide applications at different times of day against the legume pod-borer, Maruca testulalis (Geyer) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), on cowpea in Nigeria. 1983
Cook LJ
Voluntary register of grain legume cultivars in Australia. Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek, cv. King.          1982
Mangan RL, Byers RA
Evaluation of Halticus bractatus as a probable pest of minimum-tillage legume establishment.    1982
Okeyo Owuor JB, Agwaro PO, Simbi COJ, Owuor JB Okeyo
Studies on the legume pod-borer Maruca testulalis (Geyer) - V. Larval population.           1983
Dabrowski ZT, Bungu DOM, Ochieng RS
Studies on the legume pod-borer, Maruca testulalis (Geyer) - III. Methods used in cowpea screening for resistance.       1983
Ingram WR
Biological control of graminaceous stem-borers and legume pod-borers. [Review].          1983
Fellowes RW, Amarasena J
Natural parasites of some grain legume pests in the dry zone.    1977
East R
Interactions between whitefringed weevil Graphognathus leucoloma and legume species in the northern North Island.                1982
Heithaus ER, Stashko E, Anderson PK
Cumulative effects of plant-animal interactions on seed production by Bauhinia ungulata, a neotropical legume.               1982
Emden HF van, Summerfield RJ, Bunting AH
Insects and mites of legume crops.          1980
Kertnikov T
Results of a study of saturation of a crop rotation of the type cereal/earthed up crop/earthed up crop/legume. II. Influence of the saturation of forage crop rotations on weed infestation, organic residue accumulation in the soil and utilization of fertilizers applied.            1995
Chisci GC
Potential productivity of some autumn fodder crops sown alone, mixed in the row or in alternate rows of grass and legume as a function of various rates of nitrogen fertilizer.           1973
Mijatovic M
Effect of mineral fertilizers on the elimination of weeds in grass/legume mixtures on arable land on eroded hill soils.      1973
Mendham NJ
Legume cover-crops for oil palms in West New Britain.   1971
Modor V
[Microscopic examination for weeds contaminating legume hays].           1971
Dyke GV, Slope DB
Effects of previous legume and oat crops on grain yield and take-all in spring barley.        1978
Kapoor P, Ramakrishnan PS
Studies on crop-legume behaviour in pure and mixed stands.     1975
Farnworth J
A comparison of twenty-four legume varieties at Hofuf Agricultural Research Centre, Saudi Arabia.         1977
Grant PJ
Pasture legume establishment on arable land.   1976
Grant PJ
Legume establishment by underseeding maize.                1976
Mercado BL, Bariuan JV
Influence of corn-legume intercropping on weed population.     1979
Ashby JW, Teh PB, Close RC
Symptomatology of subterranean clover red leaf virus and its incidence in some legume crops, weed hosts, and certain alate aphids in Canterbury, New Zealand.             1979
Minchin FR, Pate JS
Effects of water, aeration, and salt regime on nitrogen fixation in a nodulated legume - definition of an optimum root environment.    1975
Rehm GW, Nichols JT, Sorensen RC, Moline WJ
Yield and botanical composition of an irrigated grass-legume pasture as influenced by fertilization.           1975
Sinclair AG
Measurement of atmospheric nitrogen fixation in legume-based pasture turfs using the acetylene reduction assay.       1975
Minchin FR, Pate JS
Diurnal functioning of the legume root nodule.  1974
Yukhimchuk FF, Burlachuk VM, Mishustin EN
Legume plants as a source of biological nitrogen.              1971
Dart PJ, Day JM
Factors affecting nitrogenase activity of legume root nodules. Incubation temperature.                1971
Fishbeck K, Evans HJ, Boersma LL
Measurement of nitrogenase activity of intact legume symbionts in situ using the acetylene reduction assay.     1973
Posypanov GS
The use of starter applications of nitrogen fertilizers for legume crops.   1974
Grobbelaar N, Beyma MC van, Todd CM
A qualitative study of the nodulating ability of legume species: List 1.      1967
Tang CN, Lin PW
Study on the nutrition of tropical pasture legume on lateritic soil.              1970
Oohara H, Yoshida N, Murakawa E, Chang NK
The promoting effect and utilization of alcohol on legume and grass forage plants. 1. The growth and production of alfalfa and orchard grass.           1971
Templeton WC Jr
Legume nitrogen versus fertilizer nitrogen for cool-season grasses.         1976
Burton GW
Legume nitrogen versus fertilizer nitrogen for warm-season grasses.      1976
Herridge DF, Pate JS
Utilization of net photosynthate for nitrogen fixation and protein production in an annual legume.          1977
Kitamura Y, Nishimura S, Tanaka S
Studies of mixed cultivation of tropical legume and grass. 4. The effects of nitrogen application on growth and nodulation of legume mixed with grass.            1977
Masterson C
The role of sulphur in legume nitrogen fixation and crop quality.               1977
Wheeler CT
Carbon dioxide fixation in the legume root nodule.          1978
Havelka UD, Hardy RWF
Legume N2 fixation as a problem in carbon nutrition.      1976
Silvester WB
Ecological and economic significance of the non-legume symbioses.        1976
Crush JR
Endomycorrhizas and legume growth in some soils of the Mackenzie Basin, Canterbury, New Zealand.  1976
Fried M, Middelboe V
Measurement of amount of nitrogen fixed by a legume crop.    1977
Lambers H, Layzell DB, Pate JS
Efficiency and regulation of root respiration in a legume: effects of the N source.              1980
Layzell DB, Pate JS, Atkins CA, Canvin DT
Partitioning of carbon and nitrogen and the nutrition of root and shoot apex in a nodulated legume.       1981
Robertson JG, Farnden KJF, Miflin BJ
Ultrastructure and metabolism of the developing legume root nodule.  1980
Roy J, Messager JL
Symbiotic fixation of nitrogen and the inoculation of legume seeds.        1976
Kessel C Van, Roskoski JP
Nodulation and N2 fixation by Inga jinicuil, a woody legume in coffee plantations. II. Effect of soil nutrients on nodulation and N2 fixation.                1981
Johnson DA, Rumbaugh MD
Nodulation and acetylene reduction by certain rangeland legume species under field conditions.              1981
Layzell DB, Rainbird RM, Atkins CA, Pate JS
Economy of photosynthate use in nitrogen-fixing legume nodules. Observations on two contrasting symbioses.               1979
Johansen C, Kerridge PC
Nitrogen fixation and transfer in tropical legume-grass swards in south-eastern Queensland.      1979
Bergersen FJ
Mechanisms associated with the fixation of nitrogen in the legume root nodule.               1980
Ambrus P
Biological fixation of atmospheric nitrogen by legume crops.       1977
Wildin JH
The effects of some nutrients on grass-legume interactions.       1978
Yaacob O, Blair GJ
Effect of legume species and cropping intensity on the nitrogen status of a granite soil under a simulated tropical environment.    1979
Borriss H
Localization and synthesis site of leghaemoglobin in legume root-nodule cells.   1977
Masterson CL, O' Keeffe WF
Importance of sulphur in forage legume production.       0
Mante EFG
Suitable soils for grain legume production.           1976
Boland MJ, Fordyce HM, Greenwood RM
Enzymes of nitrogen metabolism in legume nodules: a comparative study.          1978
Halliday J
Present constrains to, and a future strategy for, fuller utilization of legume-fixed nitrogen for crop production in the tropics. 1982
Athar M, Mahmood A
New records of legume nodulation from Pakistan.           1982
Kitamura Y, Arakawa O, Hosono M, Abe J
Dinitrogen fixation by a plant community of the tropical legume desmodium (Desmodium intortum cv. Greenleaf).         1981
Munns DN, Franco AA
Soil constraints to legume production.   1981
Hogberg P, Kvarnstrom M
Nitrogen fixation by the woody legume Leucaena leucocephala in Tanzania.        1982
Giddens JE, Dunigan EP, Weaver RW
Legume inoculation in the southeastern USA.    1982
Bond G, Wheeler CT, Bergersen FJ
Non-legume nodule systems.    1980
Vincent JM (Collator), Vincent JM
Role, needs and potential of the nodulated legume.       1982
Zayed MN
Results of experiments on legume inoculation and nitrogen fixation in Zambia.  1980
Roskoski JP
Nodulation and N2-fixation by Inga jinicuil, a woody legume in coffee plantations. I. Measurements of nodule biomass and field C2H2 reduction rates.          1981
Gates CT, Sandland RL
Appraisal by numerical and statistical techniques of the interaction of moisture stress and phosphorus in the development of the tropical legume Macroptilium atropurpureum (DC.) Urb. 1980
Luthra YP, Sheoran IS, Randhir Singh, Singh R
Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan) - a ureide producing grain legume.    1981
Kennedy IR, Copeland L, Stone SR
Involvement of glutamate dehydrogenase in assimilation of fixed nitrogen in legume nodules: complementary roles for GDH and glutamine synthetase.                1981
Fried M, Broeshart H
A further extension of the method for independently measuring the amount of nitrogen fixed by a legume crop.            1981
Avetisov LA
A study of cell wall composition of legume nodules.        1982
Lloyd DL, Hilder TB
Dry matter production by a subtropical grass (Makarikari grass) grown in association with a temperate annual legume (barrel medic) and nitrogen fertilizer in southern Queensland.   1985
Ledgard SF, Simpson JR, Freney JR, Bergersen FJ
Field evaluation of 15N techniques for estimating nitrogen fixation in legume-grass associations.              1985
Eardly BD, Eaglesham ARJ, Evans HJ, Bottomley PJ, Newton WE
Fixation of nitrogen and carbon by legume stem nodules.            1985
Bachelet D, Evans HJ, Bottomley PJ, Newton WE
A preliminary mechanistic simulation of N2 fixation by a legume.               1985
Sims AP, Barber DJ, Folkes BF, Walls D
Sealed lysimeters for the direct estimation of dinitrogen fixation by grain legume crops.                1986
Ladd JN, Amato M, Kang BT, Heide J van der
Nitrogen cycling in legume-cereal rotations.        1985
Patra DD, Subbiah BV, Sachdev MS
Soil-N tagging - a method for measurement of biological nitrogen fixation in cereal-legume intercropping system.            1985
Shabaev VP, Umarov MM, Smolin V Yu, Romanova AK
Assimilation by non-legume plants and legumes of the atmospheric nitrogen fixed by microorganisms.  1985
Duke SH, Collins M, Munson RD
Role of potassium in legume dinitrogen fixation.               1985
Hoffman MT, Mitchell DT
The root morphology of some legume spp. in the south-western Cape and the relationship of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizas with dry mass and phosphorus content of Acacia saligna seedlings. 1986
Zhiznevskaya G Ya
Interaction of a legume and nodule bacteria.      1983
Pate JS, Atkins CA, Layzell DB, Shelp BJ
Effects of N2 deficiency on transport and partitioning of C and N in a nodulated legume.               1984
Atkins CA, Pate JS, Shelp BJ
Effects of short-term N2 deficiency on N metabolism in legume nodules.              1984
Davis LC
Diffusion of gases through plant tissues. Entry of acetylene into legume nodules.             1984
Harper JE, Gibson AH
Differential nodulation tolerance to nitrate among legume species.         1984
Posypanov GS
The methodical aspects of studies on symbiotic apparatus of legume crops under field conditions.           1983
Hensley DL, Carpenter PL
Effect of lime additions to acid strip-mine spoil on survival, growth and nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction) of several woody legume and actinomycete-nodulated species.    1984
El Shakweer MHA
Effect of ground water level on legume crops in Fayoum directorate: 2 - Nodulation, N2-ase activity, nitrogen content, growth and yield of Vicia faba.   1982
Ryle GJA, Jones DG, Davies DR
Nitrogen fixation and the carbon economy of the leafy legume.                1983
West CP
Nitrogen use efficiency of legume-grass and grass pastures.       1982
Giovannetti M
Establishment and growth effects of Glomus mosseae on the legume Hedysarum coronarium L. growing in poor alkaline soils.      1983
Witty JF, Minchin FR, Sheehy JE, Inez M M
Acetylene-induced changes in the oxygen diffusion resistence and nitrogenase activity of legume root nodules.               1984
Norani bte Ahmad
A preliminary survey on nodulation and VA mycorrhizas in legume roots.              1983
Yamanaka K
The role of grass-legume communities in revegetation of a subalpine mine site in British Columbia.          1983
Deroche M E, Carrayol E, Jolivet E
Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase in legume nodules.  1983
Swenson KG, Hagedorn DJ
Management of aphid-borne legume viruses.    1974
Iwaki M, Roechan M, Tantera DM
Virus diseases of legume plants in Indonesia. 1. Cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus.          1975
Shal' tyanis BV, Saltenis B
Fusarium diseases of legume crops in Lithuania. 2. Fungi of the genus Fusarium Link in lucerne roots and their place in the root mycoflora. 1970
Strukchinskas MT, Strukcinskas M
Fungus diseases of legume crops in Lithuania (1. Diseases of sainfoin).   1971
Williams RJ
Plant pathology in the grain legume improvement program at IITA.          1974
McKenzie DL, Morrall RAA
Diseases of three specialty legume crops in Saskatchewan in 1972: field pea, lentil and fababean.             1973
Murayama D, Shikata E, Kojima M, Senboku T, Kajiwara K,Uyeda I
Studies on legume virus diseases in Hokkaido. I. Viruses isolated from diseased French bean plants.        1975
Bowyer JW
Tomato big bud, legume little leaf, and lucerne witches' broom: three diseases associated with different mycoplasma-like organisms in Australia.   1974
Samiilenko VI, Gvozdyak RI
Distribution of bacteriophages of Pseudomonas spp. causing legume diseases in the rhizosphere of crop plants.               1972
Wilson J, Close RC
Subterranean clover red leaf virus and other legume viruses in Canterbury.         1973
Watson MJ
Hedysarum coronarium -- a legume with potential for soil conservation and forage.         1982
Valenti G, Guzman P
Preliminary evaluation of four grass/legume associations and three establishment methods.      1984
Rangaswamy NS, Nandakumar L
Correlative studies on seed coat structure, chemical composition, and impermeability in the legume Rhynchosia minima.                1985
Varis E
Goat's rue (Galega orientalis Lam.), a potential pasture legume for temperate conditions.            1986
Jackson GVH, Zettler FW
Sweet potato witches' broom and legume little-leaf diseases in the Solomon Islands.     1983
Welty RE
Forage legume hosts of races 1 and 2 of Colletotrichum trifolii.   1982
Lenne JM
Control of anthracnose in the tropical pasture legume Stylosanthes capitata by burning.                1982
Ashby JW, Fletcher JD, Farrell JAK, Stufkens MR
Observations on host preferences and epidemiology of aphid species associated with legume crops.      1982
Scott SW
Separation of Sclerotinia isolates collected from three herbage legume hosts.    1981
Lenne JM, Sonoda RM
Effect of anthracnose on yield of the tropical forage legume, Stylosanthes hamata.         1982
Musil M, Kochman J
Legume viruses in Czechoslovakia.           1981
Taraku N, Juretic N
Two viruses isolated from some legume plants in Kosovo (Yugoslavia).   1981
Vanderveken JJF
Activities of the International Working Group on Legume Viruses.            1977
Rossel HW
Preliminary investigations on the identity and ecology of legume virus diseases in northern Nigeria.        1977
Gerhardson B
Some properties of a new legume virus inducing mild mosaic in red clover, Trifolium pratense.   1977
Veerisetty V, Brakke MK
Differentiation of legume carlaviruses based on their biochemical properties.     1977
Nik WZ, Parbery DG
Studies of seed-borne fungi of tropical pasture legume species.                1977
Veerisetty V, Brakke MK
Purification of some legume carlaviruses.             1978
Felker P, Bandurski RS
Protein and amino acid composition of tree legume seeds.          1977
Mall S
Rhizoctonia diseases of legume crops as affected by Trichoderma viride.               1975
Vanderveken JJF
International working group on legume viruses. Report of the "host range" committee.                1976
Tolin SA
Identification of legume viruses in the field by serology.                1977
Iizuka N, Yunoki T
Electron microscopy of plant cells infected with legume viruses.                1975
Lindsten K, Brishhammar S, Tomenius K
Investigations on relationship and variation of some legume viruses within the potyvirus group.                1976
Stanyulis Yu P
Principal virus diseases of legume crops in Lithuania.       1974
Russo M, Rana GL
Occurrence of two legume viruses in artichoke. 1978
Iwaki M, Roechan M, Saleh N, Sugiura M, Hibino H
Identity of mycoplasma-like agents of legume witches' brooms in Indonesia.      1978
Fulton JP, Scott HA
A serogrouping concept for legume comoviruses.            1979
Wan Zainun Nik, Parbery DG
The isolation of pathogenic fungi from seed of tropical pasture legume species.                1978
Nene YL, Amin LL, Kadir AASA, Soon LG, Singh KG, Tan AM,Varghese G
Major disease problems of some grain legume crops in India.     1978
Hajj B, Stevens WA
The effects of legume seed extracts on plant virus infection.      1979
Fulton JP
Transmission and biology of legume viruses transmitted by beetles.        1979
Espinoza Esquivel AM
Organization and expression of the RNA and DNA genomes of legume viruses.  1979
Lima JAA
Serological tests for identification of legume viruses.      1979
Kitajima EW
Cytopathology and localization of maize and legume viruses in infected plants and vectors.          1979
Roechan M, Iwari M, Yuwono T, Hibino H, Tantera DM, Trijoko Yuwono
Virus diseases of legume plants in Indonesia       1978
Duffus JE
Legume yellows virus, a new persistent aphid-transmitted virus of legumes in California.              1979
Hampton R, Beczner L, Hagedorn D, Bos L, Inouye T, Barnett O, Musil M, Meiners J
Host reactions of mechanically transmissible legume viruses of the Northern Temperate Zone.  1978
Nakasone K, Senboku T, Kojima M, Shikata E
Detection of legume viruses by electron microscopy: glow discharge effect and leaf-dip serology.            1978
Dorozhkin NA, Chekalinskaya NI, Nitievskaya VI
Diseases of legume crops in Byelorussia.               1978
Beczner L
Problems of plant virus research in Hungary with special reference to the legume viruses.            1978
Lenne JM
Synchytrium desmodii, cause of wart disease of the tropical pasture legume Desmodium ovalifolium in Colombia.            1985
Allen DJ, Ndunguru BJ, Hawksworth DL
Recent advances in control of legume diseases.                1984
Pollini CP, Giunchedi L
Presence of soyabean mosaic virus on this legume in Italy.           1984
Scott SW, Fielding AH
Differences in pectolytic enzyme patterns induced in Sclerotinia trifoliorum by different legume host species.    1985
Stoetzer HAI, Waite BH
Evaluation of bean diseases in the Grain Legume Project trials, Katumani Research Station.          1984
Wu L, Kruckeberg AL
Copper tolerance in two legume species from a copper mine habitat.     1985
Lodha S, Mahander Singh
Quantitative determination of Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid in grass-legume intercropping systems.   1985
Ashby JW, Johnstone GR
Legume luteovirus taxonomy and current research.        1985
Parker MA
Local population differentiation for compatibility in an annual legume and its host-specific fungal pathogen.        1985
Shivanathan P
Legume pathology at Maha Illuppallama.              1980


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